Strong Winds

Before we left the St. Kilda archipelago our skipper took us on a trip around and between the magnificent and giant sea stacs. What we saw cannot be described by words. Did you know remains of 2000BC settlement activity is still visible on Bororay?

Because we were required to leave the island sooner, we had no sleeping arrangements taken care of. In the end, we managed to find a bunk in the Leverburgh bunkhouse/hostel, HI. Today (13 July 2017) we continued our trip on to the Isle of Lewis where we are currently facing rain, 11 degr C, clouds and strong winds. We decided to set up shop in the middle of nowhere where the process unfolds of tent, mast, antenna, radio gear,… Ever tried to pitch a tent in strong winds?

We will be QRV on 10MHz with 5 Watts in CW and maybe SSB. But first we need to take pictures of the 180 degree rainbow which is appearing in front of our tent window as I am writing this. We managed to tune the antenna for 10MHz Pactor operation, let’s see if this message gets received by the HB9AK Winlink RMS.

73 and Good DX, Gert ON4GS

—– At 13/07/2017 19:53 UTC the position of ON4CO & ON4GS was 58°11.16’N 007°01.37’W

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